About Me

Yep, this is me.

lucky dip, – n

  1. a barrel or box filled with sawdust and small prizes for which children search
  2. informal   an undertaking of uncertain outcome

lucky dipper, – n

  1. made-up   a person willing to explore an uncertain course with the hopes of discovering small prizes, great adventures or brief glimpses of happiness

Hi there. My name’s Laura, and I’m what you would call a lucky dipper. Sure, it’s a made up term, but I think it fits just the same. So, here’s the story.

After being laid off (well, again), I’ve decided to eschew looking for work in a traditional sense, throw caution to the wind (or at least gently set it aside) and try my luck at being a freelance writer. Fortunately, I have a little bit of experience in this area. I’ve been known to wax poetic about Las Vegas’ neon glow in fine publications such as Vegas/Rated, Vegas Seven, 944Inside Cirque,  Backstage Magazine and pretty much any other publication that will pay me. I’ve also contributed to a number of visitor guides and tourism websites, including Colorado.com, TourismVancouver.com and The Official New Orleans Visitors Guide.

When I’m not working (or even pretending to work), you’ll find me exploring my fairly-new hometown of Denver, taste-testing some of Colorado’s best microbrews, whipping up (mostly edible) treats in the kitchen and attempting to master some new yoga poses. Hopefully through this blog, you’ll be able to discover some cool things to do in Denver, new places to visit, or maybe you can recommend some hidden spots that I haven’t checked out yet.

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